Nappanee United Methodist Church
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Knowing Christ and Making Christ Known

Sunday School / Christian Education

We offer Sunday School classes for children, youth and adults. Each age group has a caring high-quality ministry designed to meet the needs of that group. Sunday school classes begin at 9:00 and run until 9:45.
Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers.
Sunday School classes are available for kids aged 3 through 5th grade at 9:00 a.m. We use the Hands-On Bible Curriculum from Group Publishing.
Grades 6-12
Sunday Morning Education Opportunities:
New Beginnings
Room 100
This class includes married couples and singles in their 50's and 60's. They use various study materials from books to tapes and learn from each other as they generate lively discussions.


Church Library
This class is comprised of 60+ year-olds. Participants grow in their Christian commitment through open discussion. Leadership is shared within the class while they study various biblical topics or books of the Bible. They’re also known for the delicious dinners they serve as fund-raisers.
This class prefers study topics that consist of current events. Participants are of a variety of ages and share in class discussion led by one of their class members.
Fellowship Hall
(Not meeting currently.) This is our eldest Sunday School Class. They use a lecture-type format.