If you will be a guest at the Nappanee United Methodist Church for the first time, here is some information you might find helpful.
Where is the Church?
Nappanee United Methodist Church is located at 301 East Market Street in Nappanee. It is three blocks east of State Road 19 on the south side of the street (US 6) directly west of Coppes Commons. Click the map below for a larger version of the image.

Where do I park?
Our parking lot is located in back of the church building. Handicap parking spaces are available.
What will the service be like?
We offer a variety of worship, spiritual growth and service opportunities. Due to Covid-19, we currently have one worship service every Sunday morning, offering the Word of God. We also have several different Adult Sunday School Classes which meet on Sunday mornings. In addition, Small Groups meet throughout the community fostering relationships and spiritual growth.
How long is Worship?
The 10:00 Worship service usually lasts about an hour.
What should I wear to church?
Whatever makes you comfortable. While some people dress up, others wear casual and comfortable clothes on Sunday mornings. Everyone is welcome and it is important that you feel "at home."
What is available for children during worship?
We encourage all children to attend worship with their parents, and our children’s ministry provides an exciting experience for all children in grades K-5 with our Worship Connection bags, which are available just outside the main entrance to the sanctuary. For infants and toddlers, we provide Nursery Care during worship.

Sacred Grounds
Sacred Grounds, our coffee bar, is open on Sunday mornings. It is a place available to welcome and provide fellowship for all guests, people looking for a church home, college students, and/or young adults. In this area, folks are able to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.