Sunday Morning Worship
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship Service
Mission Project: Million Can March
History of The Million Can March

It all began in 2004, as part of our “Reaching out Together” during the course of our studying 40 Days of Community. We held a city-wide food drive and called it the Million Can March. While we didn’t collect a million cans of food, we did end up with a total of 9,033 cans of food that first year. The project was so successful, it's now an annual event each November.
We place an empty grocery bag on the door of each home in Nappanee. With each bag is an attached a note explaining our Food Drive and asking the household to fill the bag with non-perishable items and return it to their porch the next Saturday, when we return to pick up the bags.
All of the food collected is given to the Open Door Food Pantry housed in the old train station at Depot Plaza in Nappanee.
Our congregation, young and old alike, joins together to collect boxes and cans of food. We use this as an opportunity to show the love of Christ Jesus at work in Nappanee.